
WSWA is a 100% volunteer-run organizing drive of low-income service, part-time and seasonal workers and their families
Since our founding in 1975, Western Service Workers Association (WSWA) has signed up over 50,000 service workers and other low-income workers throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Only through building strong organization can we gain control over our living and working conditions and reverse the policies that are killing and disabling low-income workers and their families.
WSWA has:
Restored water to 25,000 low-income workers and their families, and succeeded in moving the East Bay Municipal Utilities Board to place a permanent moratorium on water shutoffs.
Distributed 50,000 pounds of fresh food to low-income families each year.
Mobilized grass-roots campaigns to the California Public Utilities Commission that stopped billions of dollars of PG&E’s proposed electricity rate increases.

Illustration by Jorge Mascarenhas
Years Experience
50,000 +
Members Signed
WSWA is open to volunteers 365 days-a-year. The more volunteers we have, the stronger voice we create to put forth our demands for systemic change. Jobs with wages we can live on, adequate food, safe and secure housing and utilities are necessities for all working people.
Join as a volunteer today!
What is WSWA
Since our founding in 1975, Western Service Workers Association (WSWA) has signed up over 50,000 service workers and other low-income workers throughout the San Francisco Bay Area as association members. Only through building strong organization can we gain control over our living and working conditions and reverse the policies that are killing and disabling low-income workers and their families.
WSWA’s uniquely successful method of Systemic Organizing enables anyone who dares to care and is willing to work to build an organization that unites low-income workers with students, professionals, small business owners, the faith community and others concerned and affected by the economic problems we face.
WSWA members have built an 11-Point Membership Benefit Program run by and for members that includes free-of-charge emergency food, clothing, legal advice, preventive medical care, a quarterly membership newspaper and more, while developing the organizational strength to fight to end the policies that drive up living costs and drive out living wages jobs.
WSWA’s principles and programs are consistent with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each benefit within WSWA’s 11-Point Benefit Program is consistent with one of the goals as represented by the corresponding icon. For more information on the SDGs, visit the “Let’s Go Green!” page.