This is WSWA

Western Service Workers Association (WSWA) is a free and voluntary, unincorporated private membership association, uniting service workers, temporary workers and others who are low income since 1975. We are 100% volunteer run and independent of government funding. WSWA seeks to eradicate the poverty status of this majority segment of the workforce, and achieve a means to determine our own collective destiny.

Illustration of three women at a bus stop in East Oakland by Gary Kelley

Illustration by Gary Kelley

Become a WSWA Volunteer

Join WSWA as a volunteer and play a part in eliminating the poverty facing hundreds of thousands of low-income workers in the Bay Area.

Learn More About WSWA

WSWA has five decades of victories organized by and for low-income workers and their allies in the Bay Area. The rich history of WSWA is the culmination of decades of organizing experience.

Join as a

If you are struggling to get by with low wages and rising costs, you are not alone. Join as a member of WSWA and learn how by organizing together we can improve our conditions.

Our carbon footprint, nearly nil.
Our organizing drive’s human impact, huge!

WSWA endorses the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development